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Senior Couples Holding Hands

Do You Have An Aging Plan for 2025?

Hello baby boomers!  This month’s blog is dedicated to you. Why? Because it could help make your life less stressful and much more peaceful by understanding the importance of an aging plan – for you and possibly the senior loved one you’re supporting in some way right now.

Its fascinating that most of our boomer peers have a retirement plan detailed down to the penny, along with a perfectly timed exit strategy.  Trust and estate plans are buttoned up and good to go too.

Medicare and long-term health insurance? They’re on it.  But when we ask our family and friends this question, “What’s your aging plan?” we get almost no response. Crickets. That deer in headlights kind of look.  Or we get this answer. A lot. 

“Well, I’m not going to live in an assisted living facility. That’s for sure!” Or, “I’ll just hire someone to take care of me. No problem.” 

But, as we know, life doesn’t always work out that way. A health crisis hits us out of the blue. An elderly person falls and breaks a hip. Dementia seeps in over time. Cancer comes back. These are scenarios we see play out every day. And that’s why you need an aging plan to be better prepared to navigate through these challenges.  It’s all about finding a network of trusted resources, people, and services seniors and those taking care of them need as they age. From medical care to downsizing a home and transitioning to an assisted living setting.  Finding an advocate to help you navigate the health care system.  Researching legal advice for insurance coverage and other changing medical needs.  It can be an overwhelming and stressful process.

That’s one of the reasons Senior Resource Connectors was created.  We’re a resource networking platform designed to provide the appropriate resources to help baby boomers on the cusp of your “next chapter” of aging. And we’re here to help adult children dealing with issues related to aging parents as well.

We want to share the following story with all of you.  See if you can relate.  

“My sister and I didn’t plan on caring for our mother when she was in her late 80s. So, therein lies the problem – we didn’t have a plan. We’re your typical adult children caring for an elderly parent. If you also have an elderly parent, this story may sound very familiar. 

We were fortunate to be raised in a nuclear family by two loving parents. I clearly remember my mother speaking to me when I was about 10 years old and asking me to please have patience with her when she was old. Fifty-plus years ago I was very confused by this request. Why would I not have patience? Today, her request makes perfect sense and continually echoes in my head as we struggle to make decisions that affect her, and our own quality of life. 

Nine years ago, our mother successfully battled two forms of cancer at the same time. Our father was a great caregiver for Mom. He was, and always will be, my favorite superhero. Shortly after our mothers’ recovery from multiple surgeries and radiation therapy, our father passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. My sister and I instantaneously became our mother’s care givers. 

Our father was a planner. He planned for their golden years with a solid financial strategy and left Mom financially secure. He had their affairs securely in a trust, and he even purchased his and her burial plots. The only detail he apparently didn’t consider was an aging plan. Our father was not negligent. An aging plan is clearly a contingency that is often overlooked. We never considered where Mom would live when she was no longer independent. Who will administer her medication when she can’t recall if she’s taken her meds or not? Who will take her to doctor’s appointments when she can no longer drive? Who will take notes at the doctor’s office when mom’s comprehension and memory are fading? Who will shop for her when she is no longer able to walk without assistance? And who will prepare her meals and take care of a myriad of other daily requests? 

We’ve learned that not having a plan for these things means that we figure things out as we go. This equates to a lot of complex scheduling and an extra helping of stress. Who needs more stress these days? I now think back to that conversation fifty years ago regarding patience and Mom’s words suddenly become prophetic. I also flashback to wise advice from my father who told me. “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail’. Please take some free advice from two typical adult children – establish an aging plan for your parents before it’s needed. Your parents will have a higher quality of life and so will the rest of the family.” 

This story resonates with what so many baby boomers are experiencing today with their elderly parents. May this story inspire all of you to reflect on your next steps—designing your own aging plan.  And remember, Senior Resource Connectors is here for you every step of the way. 


Elderly Falling – Fall Prevention Tips for Seniors

One of the most common causes of hospitalization among older people is elderly falling. Every year, there are as many as 2 million falls by seniors and as many as 1 in 5 seniors who suffer from an injury from a fall. Due to these statistics, it’s necessary that we underline the importance of incorporating fall prevention tips for seniors to reduce their risk of falling.

Elderly Falling prevention tips

To prevent falls, some seniors use a cane or devices to provide extra stability and balance.

However, these things don’t keep the elderly from falling. When you are trying to protect a loved one, you should take some simple measures to help keep their living space clear of things that could make them trip and fall. Here are some things you can do to help prevent elderly falling:

  • Set up low light levels so they don’t have to turn on bright lights when they enter rooms. There are outlet covers that can be used to illuminate the way.
  • Keep floors clear of clutter or objects such as electrical cords that could be tripped on. Be sure to tuck them away or always unplug things such as vacuum cleaners.
  • Ensure their glasses are set up so they are easy to find. This way, they are less likely to try to get up without them.
  • Ensure there is enough room for their walker or wheelchair throughout the house and clear any clutter in the way.
  • Offer ways they can exercise regularly to ensure that they maintain a strong core. A strong core helps prevent falls. Weight lifting can also help build the core muscles.
  • Always have them sit and get dressed. Many times they can get their feet caught in a pant leg and fall.
  • Check medications to ensure they are not only anything that could make them dizzy or lose their balance.

elderly falling

More fall prevention tips for seniors

Of course, there are other tips, such as purchasing good shoes with a good sole. Also, ensure the shoe isn’t some slip-on that can slip off at an inappropriate time. Their vision should also be checked often and tack down any floor rugs that are in the home. Better yet, when possible, remove them!

Handrails are essential in preventing falls. Be sure that you have a railing on all the steps coming into the home and inside the house. Grab rails are also helpful around steps or other areas of difficulty. This can be most helpful in the bathroom. Install grab rails, so it is easier to get in and out of the bathtub and up and down on the toilet. You can also install toilet extenders or ensure that the toilet is high enough to ease getting on and off.

Falls in our seniors are no joke. Their aging bones and loss of muscle mass can take a beating during a fall.  Be sure that things are put up, and there isn’t clutter left for them to trip on after and during a visit.  Everyone must be mindful when visiting not to leave shoes and other items in the path of someone trying to get to the bathroom or walk around the home.  

elderly falling

Contact Senior Resource Connectors

Your roadmap when it comes to determining the best care plan for your senior loved one in Arizona – at any age or stage. Visit our resource center, view our business directory, or connect with us below.


    Last-Minute Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

    No matter the age, a mother remains one of the most important figures in anyone’s life. Here are some great last-minute mother’s day gift ideas if you find yourself scratching your head around what to get your senior mom.

    As our mother’s age, it may become more difficult to get them gifts. After all, if your mother is 65 or over, chances are they already have everything they need, especially in the more traditional sense. The good news is that as we age, our appreciation for that which money cannot buy increases, making meaningful gifts so much more impactful. Nostalgia and tapping into happy memories is also a good way to approach gift-giving for seniors. But we digress, below are our top picks for last-minute Mother’s Day gift ideas.

    Last-Minute Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for 2022 Sorted!

    Tablet or an E-reader

    As space may become limited, especially if your mom is living in a senior community, space for shelves upon shelves of books may not be an option anymore. Try gifting her an easy-to-use tablet or E-reader and pre-load it with some of her favorite authors or titles. Not sure about either of the aforementioned? Find out from her close friends or try and get this info from her during a casual conversation. Try not to make it too obvious that you are fishing. Amazon has a best-in-class e-reader available here.


    Depending on your mom’s living situation and her interests, she may be more of a music fan than a book fan. In this case, investing in a pair of noise-canceling headphones will do just the trick. Noise-canceling headphones allow her to really zone out of her surroundings and immerse herself into her favorite genre of music without disturbing others. Just be sure to discuss a protocol for when you need to reach her and she may not hear due to said headphones. Anker Soundcore has an affordable option you can view here.

    Activity Tracker

    If your mom still loves being active in her senior years then a wrist-based activity tracker is a great gift idea. She can easily see her movement stats, set herself goals (dependent on how tech-savvy she is), and even monitor her heart rate. If she’s not as tech-savvy, remember that there are numerous YouTube tutorials available on how to set these up to accurately track movement, sleep, and almost any activity of choice. Be sure to work with her to ensure she gets the most out of her nifty new gadget. FitBit has a great option on Amazon.

    Monthly Subscription Box

    These days, you can get a monthly subscription box for virtually anything. Cosmetics, hair care, food delivery, fashion picks, books, you name it. How about a monthly flower delivery, or even a randomized monthly care package? A simple gesture with a surprise element goes a long way in boosting morale and keeping things interesting for mom. Here is a great activities subscription box option to try.

    Adult Activity Books

    Never underestimate the thrills a Soduko, crossword puzzle, or adult coloring book can supply. It keeps the mind occupied and stimulates the brain in a positive way. Plus, you can do it alone, so you don’t need the participation of others. There are many options on the market to choose from. Get a feel for what your mother would enjoy most and get a few to wet her appetite. Here is a great combo activity book to get her started.

    Now that we’ve shared five material last-minute mother’s day gift ideas, it’s worth mentioning that quality time, a nice meal, or a relaxing day out with the family can be more valuable than any monetary gift. Perhaps your mother would appreciate a hand-written letter from the heart or quality time in the form of watching her favorite movie together. It’s all about what would mean the most to her. After all, celebrating our mothers should happen daily, not only once a year.


    Moving to a retirement community?

    Here are four tips for an easier transition.

    With time on your side, the idea of moving to a senior living community with a vibrant
    lifestyle and helpful services feels liberating and inspiring. However, considering a move is a big step, how do you make the transition as easy as possible? Here are tips from the senior
    living experts at Beatitudes Campus.

    #1 Explore your options

    Start by identifying your biggest considerations and preferences, including financial,
    location, lifestyle, culture, and access to healthcare and assisted living. Then do your
    research by visiting communities, talking to residents and staff, and asking lots of
    questions. Look for ways to sort fact from fiction. Be sure to compare the advantages of
    an entrance fee
    versus the benefits of flexible, month-to-month renting and weigh them
    against your goals and expectations.

    #2 Seek guidance from experts

    As you explore the possibilities, seek guidance and advice from trusted sources, including
    your friends, family, financial advisor, tax accountant, and clergy, if applicable.
    MyLifeSite, a web resource created by senior living expert and author Brad Breeding,
    offers an excellent primer on the basics of retirement communities.

    At Beatitudes Campus, we’ve helped thousands of older adults during retirement planning
    to get the future they want. From our Cost Calculator to a personal assessment tool, you’ll
    find various senior living resources designed to help you make the best decision

    If you’re wondering when to make your move, check out our blog on timing your move. If
    you’re like Marta and Tom Brooks and not ready to make a move just yet, Beatitudes
    Campus’ future Promenade Residences could provide the right timing.

    #3 Choose what you love

    Just because you’re moving, your routines and hobbies shouldn’t have to change. As
    you’re exploring retirement communities in Arizona, look for places that appeal to you.
    Double-check that your top choices offer flexible dining so it’s easy for you to enjoy a
    great meal with friends when and how you want and that you have access to a wide variety
    of life-enriching programs, amenities, and activities for seniors.

    In comparison, Beatitudes Campus offers multiple on-campus dining venues and some 100 activities,
    special community events, programs and amenities every month. So if you like to learn and
    expand your skills, check if the community provides lifelong learning opportunities.

    #4 Plan ahead for moving day

    Planning is the single best way to ensure an easy transition to a new retirement
    community. At Beatitudes Campus, we make sure your moving day goes well by
    partnering with Moving Station ® to bring you expert moving advice and coordination at no
    cost. In addition, your Personal Relocation Manager is with you every step of the way to answer your questions and help you find trusted resources for selling your home for the best price,
    organizing and downsizing, planning your move, and more.

    If you’re ready to start planning, our Quick Start Senior Living Guide is an excellent
    resource. It offers advice on setting your expectations and provides an overview of your
    options, tips on how to plan your move, and more.

    With a bit of planning, soon you could be enjoying retirement with a shorter to-do list,
    easy, comfortable living, and fun and fulfilling activities close at hand. To learn more
    about Beatitudes Campus, schedule a visit, or plan your move with a residency
    counselor, call Beatitudes Campus today at 602-833-1358.

    This guest article was submitted by the proud sponsor of our Ask the Expert video series, Beatitudes Campus. A video series that exclusively chats to our coalition of Arizona companies and answers your most pressing senior-related questions. Straight from the expert’s mouth.

    nursing homes near me

    11 Tips for Your New Nursing Home: Making the Most of It

    Are you searching for a “nursing home near me” we have 11 tips for finding the best facility for you or your loved one?

    The nursing homes near you have many amenities to offer, but not all of them will be right for everyone.

    In this blog post, we will discuss 11 tips to help you find the nursing home that is perfect for your loved one!

    Are you considering a nursing home for your loved one? If so, congratulations on making a very difficult decision.

    You are now faced with the task of finding the nursing home that is best for your family member.

    Tip #01: The nursing home should be close to your family and friends.

    The nursing home should be close to your family and friends.

    This will make it easier for them to visit and provide support. It is also important that the nursing home is close to medical facilities in case of an emergency.

    Tip #02: The nursing home should be clean and well maintained.

    The nursing homes that we recommend are always kept neat and tidy by staff, but you want to make sure this is the case for your loved one’s nursing home as well.

    Dirty facilities can lead to infections which could put a damper on someone’s recovery process.

    If possible, take a tour of the nursing home and ask to see the rooms, common areas, and kitchen.

    Tip #03: The nursing home should have a good reputation.

    It is important that you do your research before selecting a nursing home for your loved one.

    Look online for reviews from past residents and their families.

    You can also ask your nursing home for references and contact the reference to find out more about their experience.

    Tip #04: The nursing home should have a friendly staff that is helpful and accommodating.

    The nursing homes that we recommend all offer exceptional quality of care, but it is important you feel comfortable with the nursing home as well.

    On your tour, be sure to meet the nursing staff and ask them any questions you have.

    They should be able to answer all of your questions and put your mind at ease.

    Tip #05: The nursing home should offer a variety of activities for residents.

    A nursing home that is well-rounded will offer a variety of activities for its residents.

    This can include things like arts and crafts, exercise classes, field trips, and social events.

    It is important that your loved one stays active and engaged while in nursing home care.

    Tip #06: The nursing home should have a good food program.

    The nursing homes we recommend provide excellent dining programs that include both healthy and unhealthy options.

    Be sure to ask the nursing home about their food program and what type of meals they serve.

    You should also taste a meal while you are on your tour.

    Tip #07: The nursing home should have private rooms available.

    Not all nursing homes offer private rooms, but it is something you may want to consider.

    Your loved one may have the option to pay for a private room if it is not offered.

    This nursing home we suggest offer both single and double rooms!

    Tip #08: The nursing home should offer activities that are based on your loved one’s interests.

    Be sure to ask about what type of activities are available at the nursing homes nearby.

    If your loved one has a hobby or interest, there is a good chance the nursing home will offer activities based on that interest.

    Our suggested nursing homes provide a variety of interesting and unique activities!

    Tip #09: The nursing home should have staff that are trained in dementia care.

    If your loved one has Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia, it is important that the nursing home staff are trained in memory care.

    This will help increase your loved one’s quality of life while they are receiving nursing home care.

    Our resources provide exceptional training for their staff!

    Tip #11: The nursing home should have religious services available to residents who want them.

    Not all nursing homes offer religious services, but it is something you may want to consider if your loved one is religious.

    We hope these tips help you in selecting the perfect nursing home for your loved one! If you would like more information or have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

    If you are looking for nursing home care, it is important that the nursing homes have a good reputation.

    The nursing staff should be helpful and accommodating as well!

    They need to offer activities your loved one will enjoy. It’s also crucial that they provide dementia care if needed.

    If there are religious services available at the nursing home, this could make things easier on your loved ones too.

    We hope these tips help you in selecting the perfect nursing home for your loved one!

    The decision to move a loved one into a nursing home is never easy, but it can be made easier when you have the right information.

    At Senior Resource Connectors, we offer you information on the best service providers to assist your aging loved in various aspects such as legal advice, real estate, mortgage, and many more. So we offer the full package of trusted and reliable professionals to assist with this chapter of life.

    In this blog post, we’ve provided 11 tips for helping your new resident feel at home and offer some advice on how to make the most of their time in assisted living.

    If you want more help with understanding what life will look like after moving an aging family member into long-term care or if you need assistance finding that perfect facility for them, don’t hesitate to contact us here at Senior Resource Connectors.

    We’ll be happy to answer any questions about senior housing options near me and provide guidance along every step of the process from application through transition!

    nursing homes near me

    Contact Senior Resource Connectors

    Your roadmap when it comes to determining the best care plan for your senior loved one in Arizona – at any age or stage. Visit our resource center, view our business directory, or connect with us below.

      Assisted living requirements in Arizona

      What You Need to Know About Assisted Living Requirements in Arizona

      What are the requirements for assisted living in Arizona?

      Arizona has a large senior population. 

      As they age, it is inevitable that their needs will change. 

      One of the most common changes in need is assisted living care. Assisted living communities are residences with staff on-site to help seniors with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and preparing meals. 

      How do you qualify for assisted living in Arizona?

      In order to be admitted into an assisted living facility in Arizona, the senior must meet two criteria: 

      • They must require assistance with at least two activities of daily living (ADLs), 
      • They must be able to live safely in an unassisted setting. 

      The first criterion, that the senior requires assistance with at least two ADLs, means that the individual is no longer able to complete those activities on their own. 

      Activities of daily living can include bathing, dressing, grooming, using the toilet, and eating.

      If a senior only needs help with one of these activities, they may still be able to live in their home or with a family member.

      However, if they need assistance with two or more of these activities, then assisted living is likely their best option.

      The second criterion, that the senior be able to live safely in an unassisted setting, means that they are physically and mentally capable of living on their own. 

      This criterion is in place to ensure that the senior does not require 24-hour care, as this type of care would be better suited for a nursing home.

      If a senior meets both of these criteria, they can be admitted into an assisted living facility in Arizona. 

      However, it is important to note that each assisted living has its own specific requirements, so it is best to contact the facility beforehand to find out what they require.

      For example, some assisted living facilities may require that the senior has a specific level of independence or that they are able to bathe and dress themselves.

      If you are a senior in Arizona who is no longer able to live on your own, assisted living may be the right option for you. 

      To learn more about the requirements for assisted living in Arizona, please contact us today!

      Who regulates assisted living in Arizona?

      In Arizona, the state department of health services licenses assisted living homes. 

      However, many other requirements must be met to qualify for a license.

      It is important that you check with your local county office and/or building inspector in order to meet all necessary regulations before moving into an Arizona Assisted Living Facility. 

      The goal here is safety and comfort

      If you are unsure if assisted living is the right fit for your loved one, please reach out to us for more information. Our care advisors are happy to help you find the right solution for your loved one’s needs.

      What does assisted living cost in AZ?

      The costs of assisted living will vary depending on the type of care being provided, as well as the services needed. 

      The more assistance an individual requires, the higher their monthly bill for this service is going to be. 

      There are several factors that go into determining what you need or want out of your assisted living experience, so it is best to consult with an advisor about pricing and what is available in your area.

      What is assisted living for seniors?

      An assisted living facility provides housing and assistance for seniors who need help with everyday tasks.

      It is important to note that an assisted living community does not provide any medical care, but it often has staff on-site 24/seven (24 hours a day, seven days a week) which can make all the difference when you or someone close to you needs help. 

      There are many different types of assisted living communities, from those which require residents to be independent with their medication and meals all the way to full-service facilities that provide a wide range of care for seniors who may need extra assistance every day.

      An Assisted Living Facility can also offer accommodations specifically designed for Alzheimer’s patients as well as those who suffer from other memory-related diseases.

      If you are considering an assisted living facility for a loved one, it is important to ask about the services that they offer in regards to dementia and Alzheimer’s care.

      Assisted living requirements in Arizona

      What questions should I ask before moving into an assisted living home?

      There are many things to consider when making the decision to move into an assisted living facility, and most people will want to speak with a care advisor before they make the big move. 

      It is important that you ask questions about what services are offered at each community (such as meals or medication management), if there are any extra fees for these services, how much it costs per day/monthly in your area, what the minimum/maximum age is for residents, and if they accept Medicare or Medicaid.

      You should also ask about the staff-to-resident ratio at each community, as well as how long the average resident stays. 

      This will give you a good idea of whether or not the assisted living facility is a good fit for your needs and those of your loved one.

      If you have more questions or need help finding the right assisted living home for you, please contact us today! 

      Our care advisors are happy to assist you in any way they can.

      Senior Resource Connectors offers the best education and information and all of the resources necessary to navigate the physically and emotionally stressful challenges that occur when dealing with our aging population in Arizona– including adult children often having to make these decisions for their senior. 

      These resources include services such as private fiduciaries, real estate, mortgage and moving professionals. 

      For more information on senior services please visit our website

      Thank you for reading! We hope this article was helpful in answering some of your questions about assisted living requirements in Arizona.

      Contact Senior Resource Connectors

      Your roadmap when it comes to determining the best care plan for your senior loved one in Arizona – at any age or stage. Visit our resource center, view our business directory, or connect with us below.


        Seniors & Cannabis: Fighting the Stigma with Education | Robert & Randi Sobel

        Seniors & Cannabis: Fighting the Stigma with Education | Robert & Randi Sobel

        This week, Scott chats to one of our most dynamic coalition members, Robert and Randi Sobel from WeedWorks Inc.

        Randi shares her personal story of how her path crossed with medical cannabis and how this education benefitted her mom’s long journey with MS.

        They underline the importance of shifting our thinking around cannabis and how it can be a healthier alternative to standard prescription drugs like Benzo’s and Fentanyl.

        If you’re an adult child responsible for caring for mom or dad and need resources of any kind, reach out to Senior Resource Connectors today for a NO COST consultation. We provide resources, empathy, and sound advice to help those navigating aging.

        Charles Quattrochi from Moving at Ease | Moving My Senior – What To Look Out For

        Charles Quattrochi from Moving at Ease | Moving My Senior – What To Look Out For

        This week, Scott catches up with Moving at Ease co-founder, Charlie Quattrochi.

        Charlie shares how the company started, how it helps seniors and their families, and its goal for the future, considering how rapidly the Arizonan population is aging.

        Charlie further shares how Moving at Ease is uniquely positioned to help senior citizens, and how they have incorporated the expertise of move managers to streamline their operations.

        If you’re an adult child balancing the needs of your aging parent, while juggling with the demands of your own family, then you need to give Senior Resource Connectors a call today. Our services are free of charge.

        Contact us in the following ways:

        Call Us: (602) 698-9720

        Visit Us Online:

        Laura Wayman, The Dementia Whisperer | Dementia – Common Myths Debunked

        Laura Wayman, The Dementia Whisperer | Dementia – Common Myths Debunked

        This week, we have the privilege of talking with Laura Wayman, The Dementia Whisperer.

        Laura is not only a best-selling author but has also trained thousands of people from all walks of life on dementia and the most common misconceptions about it. She shares an example that really makes you think and appreciate those individuals, like her, who take the time to improve the lives of those with dementia.

        If you require a trusted referral, sound advice, or a patient ear, Senior Resource Connectors is your go-to. We help aging Arizonans and their families navigate the many challenges of aging today.

        Contact us in the following ways.

        Call Us: (602) 698-9720

        Visit Us Online:

        The Benefits of Downsizing & Professional Organizing with Cheryl Frager from Busy Bees Concierge

        The Benefits of Downsizing & Professional Organizing with Cheryl Frager from Busy Bees Concierge

        Scott chats with Cheryl Frager from Busy Bees Concierge & Home Services of AZ, LLC in this episode. Cheryl has seen it all as a 40+ year veteran of the senior moving and professional organizing industry.

        She shares how Busy Bees takes the stress away from adult children while moving a senior parent or loved one by providing services that span the entire spectrum of moving, storage, estate sales, downsizing, and so much more.

        Cheryl further shares how specialized her services can get, especially when dealing with family heirlooms that hold sentimental value – something we can all relate to – and how her team can assist with moving/storing/organizing even the most fragile and priceless ornaments.

        If you’re an adult child looking for a referral, resources, or trusted advice, contact us at Senior Resource Connectors today. We can connect you with some of Arizona’s best-rated aging-friendly businesses – at NO COST.

        Call Us: (602) 698-9720

        Visit Us Online:

        The Role of Trade Associations in Protecting Seniors with George Phillips from Just-In Time Moving & Storage

        The Role of Trade Associations in Protecting Seniors with George Phillips from Just-In Time Moving & Storage

        Trade Associations and their role in ensuring that vulnerable adults are kept safe during downsizing or moving is more important than people think, especially if you’re helping Mom or Dad move closer to you from across state lines.

        Scott chats with George Phillips from Just-In Time Moving & Storage about how industry regulation protects the consumer and how their company has paved the way to ensure that seniors are moved to their next destination with minimal stress and maximum safety.

        If you’re an adult child responsible for the care of Mom or Dad, and you need help with advice, resources, or a trusted local referral, contact us at Senior Resource Connectors today.

        Call Us: (602) 698-9720

        Visit us Online:

        Michelle Cornelius from Cogir Senior Living | What to Look for in Memory Care

        Michelle Cornelius from Cogir Senior Living | What to Look for in Memory Care

        Scott chats with Michelle Cornelius from Cogir Senior Living about some of the most important things to look out for when identifying and choosing a memory care community for your aging parent or senior loved one.

        With their combined expertise and helpful insights into senior living, Scott and Michelle tackle some of the most common questions plaguing families in crises.


        Episode 3: What is a Geriatric Care Manager with Crystal Littlejohn

        In our third episode of the Senior Resource Connectors podcast, Heidi Foglesong chats to Crystal Littlejohn, Geriatric Care Manager at Geriatric Resources, LLC. Crystal explains what a care manager does and how it benefits families who are worried about the health of their seniors. The pandemic has brought on a new wave of senior loneliness and isolation, which Crystal and her team of experts are combatting with one of their newest initiatives called Thoughtful Engagement. Listen now!