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Oliver Milencovici from American Dream Home | Assisted Living – Health, Heart and Family Matters

This week, Scott has a chance to sit down with Oliver Milencovici, who owns American Dream Home, I & II, Assisted Living Homes here in Phoenix.

Oliver stresses the importance of having families involved as much as possible to ensure their seniors are receiving the best care and underlines how impactful care can be when families and caregivers work hand-in-hand.

Furthermore, Oliver discusses a common concern among families-how to finance senior care. Thanks to the innovative approach of Senior Resource Connectors, Oliver was able to collaborate with S4 Real Estate to create a program specifically designed to address this need.

We understand your unique situation and are here to help.

If you're an adult child in need of resources to help Mom or Dad in their aging journey, reach out to us at Senior Resource Connectors. We can help with trusted resources, a vetted referral, or a patient ear. Our services are 100% FREE to families.

Call Us: (602) 698-9720

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