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Caregiver Burnout: Our Top Tips to Maintain Balance

Sometimes it can be tricky to realize whether you are suffering from caregiver burnout, especially if you are so enveloped in your duties with little to no personal time. The below article sheds much-needed light on identifying and managing caregiver burnout. Keep scrolling to learn more.

Why is caregiver burnout so common?

Research conducted by the TransAmerica Institute (The Many Faces of Caregivers: A Close-Up Look at Caregiving and Its Impacts: 2020) notes the following:

  • 1 in 5 caregivers report high physical and financial strain (burnout) due to caregiving duties, yet only 24% of employers recognize that caregiving directly impacts workers’ performance.
  • 69% of caregivers surveyed have NO paid help in caring for their seniors. Despite the increasing complexity of the conditions they need to care for (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancer, etc.).
  • In a nutshell, caregiving duties continue to be highly demanding, while help or resources to ease the burden are absent. Furthermore, one out of five caregivers of adults feels alone and unsupported.

These are only three reasons that illustrate the challenges faced when being a primary caregiver for a senior loved one or parent. For some families, the reasons are more complex. They can even be a mix of reasons such as lack of finances for professional in-home care, feelings of extreme guilt on the part of the family, and an unwillingness to recognize that professional help from trained professionals is needed.

What are some of the signs of caregiver burnout?

  • Increased social isolation: If you make excuses to avoid seeing friends and family if you otherwise really enjoy socializing with them, it may be an early sign that you’re headed for burnout.
  • Fluctuating appetite: If you start noticing that your appetite increases or decreases rapidly, it may be a telltale sign that burnout is inevitable. The same goes for using food as a pacifier when you feel stressed or overwhelmed, or completely losing your appetite for days on end could be an early warning sign.
  • Severe exhaustion: Still feeling knackered after a whole night’s rest? Can’t seem to get your energy levels up or stay up all night without ever getting tired? Both these instances can be an early indicator that burnout is around the corner.
  • No longer enjoying things that used to excite you: If you find yourself asking ‘what is the point?’ to something that used to bring you a lot of joy, you may be headed for burnout. Unfortunately, overwhelming negative thoughts can also be a sure way to tell whether burnout is on the horizon.

Top tips to avoid burnout

Block out time in your week to focus on yourself, whether this means being quiet and switching off your phone and other electronic devices, reading a book in the sunlight, or just going for a solo walk. Setting a calendar reminder can help to keep you accountable, even if you manage 30 minutes to yourself. Charity starts at home, and you can only serve others when your tank is full.

Accept help when it is offered to you. This can be in respite care services or another family member who offers to take over for a couple of hours. Remember, you don’t have to be a hero. Accepting help does not mean you have given up or cannot handle the task of being a caregiver. Instead, it means you know that balance is an integral part of life and care.

Get in the habit of forming healthier habits. Practicing discipline does not come naturally to a lot of us. This is why you have to try and be consistent when developing new habits that bring joy and balance to your life. Think of it as a tiny muscle that you need to get better at flexing. At first, it will be challenging, but after a while, it gets more manageable, and before you know it, a new habit has formed and become part of your routine.

Make an effort to learn about local resources in your area. This is where Senior Resource Connectors can help. Our trusted network of vetted companies can assist you in virtually any caregiving sector. So whether you need to help your senior loved one sort out some legal documents, allow them to arrange an upcoming move, or even provide them with options for financial advisors, we can help with a trusted local referral.

Join a local or online support group. Sometimes, knowing you are not alone can be exceptionally comforting for caregivers on the verge of burnout. Hearing the experiences of others can help to validate your own and make you feel understood on a different level. If in-person support groups aren’t your thing, there are tons of online resources and support forums you can join and anonymously speak your truth.

Be stress-free knowing your aging loved ones are being taken care of by our trusted coalition of senior living businesses in Arizona.

Our coalition of trusted Arizona companies answers critical care questions and provides the appropriate services, plans, and products for the elderly and their families in need of guidance. Whether families need financial services, legal advice, moving assistance, or in-home help, Senior Resource Connectors is here to help.

For more information on senior living professionals, please visit our website or give us a call today. We would be happy to help you find the right solution for your needs.

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